Sports have always held a special place in the hearts of individuals and communities worldwide. Beyond mere entertainment, they bring people together, showcase remarkable talent, and teach valuable life lessons.

Today, very few children are taking active part in sports, as a consequence to the more frequent use of digital entertainment media. All these things are taking precedence over outdoor activities. This might result in a generation of unhealthy, obese and introvert children. Taking part in sports reduces stress and enhances kids' moods. It builds healthy bones and muscles, increases fitness, improves sleep, helps them socialize, improves their cooperation skills, boosts self-confidence and lowers the risk of an unhealthy lifestyle.
The health benefits of sports and games
Studies have revealed children who play sports are less stressed out than those kids who do not take part in physical activity
There are social advantages of sports for kids
It helps them to make more friends, an entirely new circle of friends, away from the ones they have at school.
It gets them outdoors
Many kids are happy too stay indoors, watching television and playing computer games, they have little exposure to real communication in the outer world.
Reducing obesity
Malta has the highest rate of child obesity in Europe, this is linked to the absence of exercise and also to the type of diet they maintain. By participating in sports, children will not only have a great time but they can also burn off excess calories, making them active.
Builds self-confidence
Sports is a good medium to boost up a child's self esteem and improve their self confidence. Sports is a great way to learn essential life skills that will serve them later in life, such as teamwork, goal building and coordination.
Skills that are picked up during sports have a big impact on the holistic growth of your child. They will be learning about the important values of fair play and respect for each other. It also offers them a forum to learn how to cope with competition. The learning aspects bring to the fore the importance of sports and games for the social development of the a child.

Kids benefit from participating in as many different sports and physical activities as possible while they are learning movement and sports skills. Children with an aptitude and love for a sport should not specialize in it until they are well into their teens. This will help prevent over-use injuries and reduce the risk of burnout.
Also, practice in each sport improves ability in every other activity. Getting experience in many different activities is a good way to develop physical literacy, which provides the foundation for achievements in sport, and also for success in life. Doing multiple sports requires kids to work different muscles and joints which create better overall conditioning and better strengthening of the core.
Participating in many sports also results in the development of multiple sets of athletic skills which may transfer between sports and create better overall athletes. Best of all, variety breaks up the routine of training and keeps children interested, so they are getting healthy and having fun at the same time.
SportKidz strives to keep kids healthy, active and interested. Our program avoids the over-training and over-competitive components of sports specialization by introducing kids to 14 different types of sports, various exercise movements and team building activities. We ensure that kids can develop at their own pace in a non-competitive, fun environment which shows them that healthy living is fun.